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Royal Mint prepares Coin to celebrate Prince William and Kate’s wedding

According to the Mail on Sunday, the Royal Mint is starting preparations for the production of a commemorative coin to celebrate the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton. This of course is fuelling speculation that at least the announcement of their engagement is imminent. But while the plaster model is already done, there is one detail thats still missing: the date. (Continued)

Ten Years Anniversary for William and Kate, and still nothing but Rumors

Ten years ago Prince William and Kate Middleton have first met at St Andrews University in Scotland. While many of Kates friends are now married and starting their families, she isn’t even engaged. One friend said to the Daily Star: “She can hardly believe that all those years have slipped by and she’s still uncertain about the future.” According to the press, William has promised to make an announcement within months. more

Finally a Wedding at Westminster Abbey next August?

Sources say that personell at Westminster Abbey has been contacted by royal aides to make arrangements for a wedding on the second weekend in August 2011. While all speculations about a wedding next summer were dismissed by the palace, it now seems that there are indeed preparations going on. According to insiders they are so advanced that even the Queen raised the issue when she visited the Abbey last May. Read more at the Daily Mail.

Royal Wedding Rumors dismissed, but Bookmakers don’t bet on it

A German aristocrat claims to have inside knowledge that Prince William and his girlfriend Kate Middleton are planning to get married in July 2011, and that the exact date is already set but will remain secret. According to Eduard Prinz von Anhalt, the decision has been influenced by Kate Middleton, who pressured Prince William to marry her in the forseeable future, or she would break up the relationship. The Palace commented that these reports are “nonsense and speculation” and that no preparations are going on. But british and international Bookmakers seem not to believe the official version, and have already stopped to accept bets on a wedding in 2011, since they are almost sure it will happen. more at the Telegraph

Engagement Announcement postponed – because of the Tanna Affair?

Tina Brown, the author who originally revealed the expected Date for the Engagement Announcement on 3rd or 4th of July, now has a theory why nothing happened on that particular date. According to her sources there are tensions about a paparazzi foto that appeared in a German magazine, and Kate Middeltons refusal to sue the alleged paparazzi, Niraj Tanna of Ikon Pictures. It comes down to the question: How close is Kate and her family to the photographer? Read more at The Daily Beast.

Is today the Big Day?

Speculation that Prince Willliam will announce his engagement to his long-time girlfriend Kate Middleton today has reached a fever pitch. Even main stream media like the Washington Post and the Toronto Sun have now started to report about the increasing number of clues for some upcoming announcements from the royal family.

British Retailer already prepares Commemorative Mugs for Engagement Announcement

Britains second largest Supermarket chain Asda, a subsidiary of Wal-Mart, is now so sure that the announcement of a royal engagement is imminent, that they have prepared a range of commemorative mugs. David Mills, Asda’a Category Director, said to Reuters: “Royal crockery is good British tradition and this will be the biggest announcement from the royal family since the engagement of Charles and Di.” Royal watchers remember that William said he did not want to get married until he is 28 or 30 – which will happen on June 21 when he turns 28. Also Britsh bookmaker William Hill believes in an announcement in 2010 and therefore offers relatively low odds of just 1/2 for bets on an engagement. Firends of the royal couple however say, that even without an official statement, Willam and Kate “are as good as engaged”. more

Royal watchers certain that Wedding Announcement is forthcoming

Prince William and Kate Middleton, according to People magazine, were spotted sharing a cozy lunch at a French Alps skiresort with Middleton’s parents, who already consider William family, sources report. “William was clearly very close to Kate’s father, and every time he spoke to him, William replied, ‘Yes, Dad,’” the source said. Bookmakers are now wagering 1 to 2 that Prince William will pop the question soon. more

Suspicious Wedding Date Bet at Bookmaker near Windsor Castle

A young man in his late twenties tried to place a huge bet on Prince William’s and Kate Middleton’s wedding date. Since he was very well dressed and well-spoken, and didn’t look like the average punter at all, the bookmaker suspected him of having insider information and turned down the 2000 Pounds bet. It is typical for Bookmakers to become suspicious if someone wants to bet a huge amount on a very particular result, because it might be a sign of insider information or even manipulation. Now everyone is wondering who this man was, and if he is in some way related to the Royals or the Royal staff, and therefore knew something that is not official yet. It seems highly unlikely that someone would bet 2.000 Pounds without reason, so this might be a sign that a wedding date is already fixed. more

Announcement of Engagement expected for June

Speculation about a Royal Wedding grew yesterday after claims that Buckingham Palace has ‘cleared its diary’ for a June announcement of an engagement between Prince William and Kate Middleton. According to well-connected former editor and author Tina Brown, aides plan to announce on either June 3 or 4 that a wedding will take place in November. more